11 January 2010

Who Killed Ceramic Jesus?


For half a year, since I bought Him at a rummage sale, there has been a Ceramic Jesus sitting in our window. The cats have been peacefully sitting in the window with Him while he guards the house or whatever it is Ceramic Jesuses are supposed to do. There was never any conflict, never any rivalry between Ceramic Jesus and The Cats; While they weren't exactly "buddies", there was certainly never any reason to suspect that things could ever go terribly awry, but today I came home and found this:


Ceramic Jesus had been brutally murdered and I knew that the culprit was still somewhere in the room. But none of them were talking. I knew it had to be one of the cats as they are avid secularists, but they were all curled up in various places pretending to be asleep. Since cats are notoriously uncooperative under interrogation anyway, I thought the best way to ascertain guilt would be to photograph the suspects with what was left of Ceramic Jesus and look for guilty reactions.


First I photographed the girls, Peanut and Vienna. They looked so deceptively sweet it immediately aroused my suspicions, but on examination of the photograph I can't detect any guilt.


In fact when Peanut was photographed alone with Ceramic Jesus, she looked downright traumatized by His condition. Next I moved on to Bram and Angelo:


.....And here I noticed something interesting. If my eyes aren't deceiving me, it looks as though Ceramic Jesus is inching toward Bram (on the left) and casting a somewhat wary eye towards Angelo.


Do I detect a glint of fear? Hmmmmm.......

So just to mix things up, I photographed Ceramic Jesus with Angelo and Papa Steve.


This time Angelo is seated on the left and is Ceramic Jesus - - ???......Why yes, I do believe Ceramic Jesus is pointing at Angelo!


Yeah, that's right. You've been caught!


You can run, but you can't hide, my friend!!



Spotted Sparrow said...

Ahahahaaaa, I love it when I can say LOL and mean it. You are hilarious.

Abfabulies said...

RIP Ceramic Jesus. Enter action figure Jesus to hunt the culprit down! (http://www.mcphee.com/shop/products/Jesus-Action-Figure.html)

Jovanka said...

Thanks for the "LOL", Sparrow!

.....Lies where do you find all these links? It seems you have a link for every occasion. First "Cats for Gold" and now this? ; )

Sally said...

I'd say it was more of a birdie than a point from the ceramic man. However, it can't be denied, there's still a suggestion of culpability on the cat's part, which ever way you look at it.